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5 Ways Social Media Can Help Your Business

By Kathleen Montecillo

Social media platforms hold some of the most powerful information exchanges on the internet. In fact, 2015 statistics reveal that there are more than one billion active users on Facebook, over three hundred million people using Twitter every month, and even Instagram supports the exchanges of one hundred million people every single day!

As a business owner or an entrepreneur, these numbers should be speaking to you. Utilizing social media can transform your entire marketing plan, and make a huge impact on your bottom line. But just as with any marketing endeavor, there is a science behind getting results. Knowing why you are online and understanding exactly how social media can boost your business will strengthen your strategy, and help to bring about desired results. Let's take a look at a few of the key ways that engaging social media platforms can be a powerful boost to your business.

1. It speaks to your niche audience.

Social media platforms can help you to quickly and efficiently locate, and meaningfully engage your niche market. By viewing search term results, following hashtags, or even by utilizing geographic or industry specific platforms, you can effortlessly find your ideal clients, and convert them into paying customers.

2. It builds your unique brand.

Putting forth a unique brand proposition is essential not only for attracting consumers, but for establishing the important elements of brand recognition, and brand recall. When publishing social media posts, take care to include the key brand identifiers that set you apart from your competition.

3. It can elevate customer service.

Social media platforms allow for very valuable, real time business feedback. If there is a problem with your product or service, consumers can easily tweet at your business, or write a Facebook comment, and provide immediately actionable information that can be swiftly addressed before another client is subjected to a similar experience.

4. It can boost online traffic and SEO.

One of the most important parts of being online is having your content indexed by major search engine platforms. These platforms are frequently responsible for a majority of your online referrals. Indexed results are largely influenced by the quantity and consistency of your social media posting.

5. It can save marketing dollars.

Social media marketing can save you compared to the execution of traditional marketing avenues that might include expensive television or radio ad buys, or pricy printing runs. In addition, social media outreach return is easily quantified and tweaked to facilitate maximum return. This helps you to maximize the proverbial bang for your marketing buck.

In any well thought out business marketing plan, social media engagement will play a dedicated and significant role. With a bit of vigilance and a good dose of strategy, it may just be the most powerful marketing tool your business will ever use.