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Featured Post: Make a Winning First Impression Online

First impressions matter. Here are five tips for how to impress people with your online presence from the start.


Some Stuff We Learned From Dogs

By Kathleen Montecillo


Forget about dishing out hundreds of dollars for a life coach. Because FACT: Your dog is the best one around. We’ve learned a lot from our K-9 buds over the years — it would be hard to find a human who’s better at naps, and where can you find a better example of how to make a big mess simply by drinking water? And even if you’re not a dog lover (shout out to cats), there are still a few things man’s/woman’s best friend can teach you about being cool in business and life. Here are some of the things we’ve learned from our dogs.

Get excited.

One thing dogs are the absolute best at: showing enthusiasm. Take a cue from your pet and get excited about work/life. We know it’s not always easy, but waking up with a smile on your face can set the tone for your entire day — the human equivalent of a good ol’ tail wag. And excitement is contagious. Your positive energy can make a huge difference at work, inspiring your coworkers and making your space a little brighter.

Stay loyal.

Dogs are the most loyal pets, and when it comes to business, it’s important to follow their example. Dogs stand by their humans. Lesson here? Stand by your team and what you’re trying to accomplish together. Establish yourself as a person your team can trust. Loyalty — it’s something all good leaders have in common.

Be grateful.

A cuddle, a lick, a jump — these are all ways our dogs show us some love, and we can learn a lot from them about how to show gratitude. Don’t forget to show the people close to you that you appreciate them and their hard work (not in the same way dogs do, but you get what we’re saying). And do it often, because it feels good to be valued.

Live simply.

A dog lives a simple life, aka the good life. They eat, they greet, they play, they sleep. And our lives compared to theirs are crazy. That’s why it’s important to simplify the way we do things. Yeah, life can be stressful and we’ve got a bunch of stuff competing for our attention, so simplify your routine. Prioritize what matters and cut the rest. You’ll stay calm, focused, and more productive.

Learn new tricks.

Dogs are smart and can learn all kinds of tricks with time. Takeaway: Stay open to learning new things (no one likes a know-it-all). Listen to your peers, surround yourself with people smarter than you, and learn. It’s never too late to explore a new subject or pick up a new hobby — especially when you got your best friend by your side.

Your dog teach you anything cool lately? Tweet us @moproteam. And if you liked this post, show it some love and give it a share.