Hashtags are everywhere. They ‘ve infiltrated social media and marketing, transforming how audiences and businesses communicate and connect. But..
What Exactly is a Hashtag?
To get all nerdy on you, a hashtag is a metadata tag that enables anyone to “tag” a word, or search for items related to that tag. Popular social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Google+ enable hashtags, making the user experience both fun and convenient.
For example, if you were interested in puppies, you could go on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, search #puppies, and a slew of results that users have hashtagged #puppies will appear on your dash. Like so…

What are the Pros of Hashtags?
Hashtags are small, but powerful. With hashtags, you can get..
- Excellent exposure and visibility.
- Effective branding that directly connects users with your business.
- Opportunities for audiences to share their experiences with the public.
- Quick and easily results.
How Can I Use Hashtags?
As a business, hashtagging social media posts with your own brand makes your business easier to find, and also allows people to see what others have to say about you.
For example, Mopro has a hashtag: #moproteam. Whenever someone on Instagram snaps a pic of something related to Mopro, they simply add our hashtag and voila! Take a look:

It looks like hashtags are here to stay, so why not embrace them?
They’re easy. They're effective. They are for you! Now go on and start hashtagging!