Mopro Blog

Featured Post: Make a Winning First Impression Online

First impressions matter. Here are five tips for how to impress people with your online presence from the start.


You Need an SSL Certificate Even if You’re Not Selling Online

By Brianne Martin


SSL or Secure Sockets Layer — ever heard of it?

An SSL certificate creates a secure connection between your site and your customers. This means any information they give you (credit card numbers, names, addresses, etc.) stays private and doesn’t get into the wrong hands. It’s required for sites that sell online, but it’s more important than ever for all sites to get on board the SSL train (even if you’re not selling a thing).

Visual cues make visitors feel comfy on your site.

How do you know if a website has an SSL certificate? Look at the URL — if it starts with “https”, you’re on a secure site. You’ll also see a little lock icon. What your customers see may vary slightly depending on the browser they’re using, but here’s what you can expect them to peep on Google Chrome.


That little lock make you feel safe and happy? You’re not alone. These visual cues tell your customers that your website is one they can trust.

Google is cracking down on SSL-less sites.

The master of search has put out the call for an “https everywhere” Internet and for the past few years, they’ve been cracking down hard. In July 2018, Google made a big move by starting to mark all sites without an SSL as “not secure” in the navigation bar.


If “not secure” feels like a dirty word (err, words), you’re hitting the mark. It doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in your visitors.

Don’t miss this SEO boost.

If there’s one word we could use to describe SERPs (search engine results pages), it’s this: Competitive. And if you’re serious about SEO, then you know that every little effort counts. Google has used SSLs as a ranking signal since 2014, meaning sites with them snag search result priority. Also meaning: You shouldn’t miss out on this easy way to give your SEO a bonus point.

It’s now or later. We recommend now.

It’s clear that Google isn’t going to let up on their https everywhere push. They want to provide their users with the highest quality search results, and that means safe sites. And it also means that in order to future-proof your site, you need to lock it down.

If you don’t have an SSL, don’t worry. We’ll take care of this for you with our Security Service Add-On ($9.99/month). Email to get this added to your subscription today.