Mopro Blog

Featured Post: Make a Winning First Impression Online

First impressions matter. Here are five tips for how to impress people with your online presence from the start.


This is how people choose you (or don’t) online.

By Brianne Slabach


The way people make purchasing decisions online has changed. A few years ago, when a user searched for a business on Google, they’d scroll right past the ads (we all know they’re paying for those!), go on to view organic first page results, and then click through to a website. But Google has reshaped this experience completely. Follow along as we recreate the journey.

Step 1. It still starts with Google.

One thing hasn’t changed: Most people still start their purchasing journey with Google – 89% of consumers begin the purchase process with a search. Google then delivers the best results based on the searcher’s query.

Step 2. Users view local results.

One change ...


Do these 4 things to get on a local searcher’s radar.

By Brianne Slabach


If you’re tuned in to SEO trends, chances are you aren’t hearing much about things like keywords and metadata, but we bet you’ve heard the buzz about local SEO. It’s the best technique for becoming a top search result these days, so we’re about to break it down – from the basics to your top to-dos.

What is local SEO?

What’s the main difference between regular old SEO and the local kind? Geography.

Local SEO helps you promote your business to people in your local area. It’s all about strategies to boost your visibility with searchers near you.

How do local searches work?

It all starts when a searcher submits a local query. We’re talking somet...


Top Google Algorithm Updates of 2018

By Brianne Martin


Google uses its search algorithm to rank websites in search results. It’s complex, it’s kept pretty under wraps (Google doesn’t explicitly tell us how it works), and we’re not exaggerating when we say it’s constantly changing — try 500 to 600 times a year. Most of these updates go unnoticed, but every once in a while, Google throws a curveball. Here are the top three changes we saw in 2018 and what we’re expecting to see in the coming year.

1. Introducing mobile-first indexing.

In March, Google announced its slow rollout of mobile-first indexing. Before, Google’s bots primarily crawled desktop versions of sites. But since most users search from...


You Need an SSL Certificate Even if You’re Not Selling Online

By Brianne Martin


SSL or Secure Sockets Layer — ever heard of it?

An SSL certificate creates a secure connection between your site and your customers. This means any information they give you (credit card numbers, names, addresses, etc.) stays private and doesn’t get into the wrong hands. It’s required for sites that sell online, but it’s more important than ever for all sites to get on board the SSL train (even if you’re not selling a thing).

Visual cues make visitors feel comfy on your site.

How do you know if a website has an SSL certificate? Look at the URL — if it starts with “https”, you’re on a secure site. You’ll also see a little lock icon. ...


Our Top Local SEO Tips

By Brianne Martin


What are you doing to help local customers find you online? If your answer is “I don’t know…” or “Is that even a thing?” consider this your local SEO crash course.

Potential customers in your area are on the go, most using their mobile devices to see if you’re someone they want to do business with. Local SEO means making sure these people find your site and like what they see. If you’re a Mopro client, we’ve already designed your site to look beautiful on every mobile device, so you’re covered there. But here are some extra steps you can take to keep the locals coming.

Optimize your content for local search.

The first place to star...


SEO Tip: Using Headers on Your Site

By Brianne Martin

Search engines love sites with descriptive and unique headers. Learn about heading structure and how to write strong headers that help users and search engines understand your content. Bonus points for using keywords, like your company name, products, services, and location.


How to Choose Keywords That Work

By Kathleen Montecillo

Keywords are SEO essentials. They connect you with the right searchers and lead customers straight to you. Check out this infographic to learn how to choose keywords that work.



How Your Website Generates Leads

By Kathleen Montecillo

Your website should be a lead-generating machine. Where does it all start? With a visitor landing on your site. Check out this infographic to learn what happens next.



Tried & True Ways to Drive Website Traffic

By Kathleen Montecillo

Want to attract more potential customers to your site? Of course you do. Here are three tried and true ways to do it.


Is your website up to speed? Why you need a super fast site.

By Kathleen Montecillo


We’ve all abandoned slow sites that couldn’t keep up with us. That’s because when it comes to getting information, we want it fast. Super fast. Like, we-have-attention-spans-shorter-than-goldfish-so-if-this-site-doesn’t-load-right-away-I’m-finding-one-that-does kind of fast. Load speed matters a lot, and a fast site does more than just make our fish brains happy. Here are some reasons why site speed should be on your radar.

It’s the very first thing people notice about your site.

Before they see a single photo or read a word, visitors notice how long it takes for your site to load. So as far as first impressions go, load speed is square one. A fast site is c...