Mopro Blog

Featured Post: Make a Winning First Impression Online

First impressions matter. Here are five tips for how to impress people with your online presence from the start.


Being Professional is Boring. Be Yourself Instead.

By Brianne Martin


I'm not sure what comes to your mind when you hear the word "professional," but you know what comes to mine? Nothing. Well, more like anything and everything that is nothing but boring. You know, white-bread, blah, etc. Yet as working adults, it's a trait we're expected to mimic. We're supposed to be professional in the way we act, the way we communicate, the way we dress ... Because we're professionals and that's how the real ones do it.

But here's a question: When did being professional become a bigger priority than being ourselves? I happen to think trying to be professional is overrated. So here's what I'm proposing: Stop using "professional" to describe your ideal behavior and the behavi...


6 Ways to Chill Out Your Brain

By Kathleen Montecillo


We're straying away from our normal content about social media, business, etc. and focusing on our #1 VIP: You. Giving it all for your business is great, but if you aren't taking care of yourself, your work will surely reflect that. So we're here to share a few hints on how to destress and declutter that smart little brain of yours. Because nothing's better than a refreshed mind.

Start in the morning.

Time slips away from us really fast. That's why it's important to set aside time in the morning to get yourself ready. No one likes feeling rushed, and when you're jumping out of bed and trying to find your shoes so you can run out the door, you set a precedent for your time at work. Make sure yo...


Stress & How to Deal: 5 Tips That (Actually) Work

By Kathleen Montecillo


It’s holiday season! A time of cheer, joy, and good wishes. But even the jolliest person can get a little overwhelmed by the Yuletide whirlwind. Between end-of-year deadlines, family coming to town, and holiday shopping, stress can get the best of you. So here are 5 tips on dealing with the holiday juggle like a pro.

1. Remember: One thing at a time.

Think of everything you have to do and imagine having to get it all done today. Overwhelming, right? Here’s a better approach: Focus on one thing at a time. Write down your tasks in order of importance and then break it up into daily to-do lists. Pro tip: keep daily-to-do lists short. Only jot down what you can realistically complete.



5 Ways to Go From Procrastinator to Productive

By Kathleen Montecillo


We’ve all been there, putting off a task until the very last minute (probably more often than we’d like to admit). We try to convince ourselves that we work best under pressure and that we’re “just waiting for the right time." Sound familiar? Those excuses might work occasionally, but the truth is we’re procrastinators — and procrastination is a bad habit. So to avoid stress and sub-par work, here are five ways to choose productivity instead.

Embrace the 2-minute rule.

The 2-minute rule is simple: Immediately do any task that can be completed in under 2 minutes. You’ll get small tasks taken care of fast and make sure they don’t slip your mind lat...


Feeling stuck? Here's 5 tips to re-inspire your inner creative.

By Kathleen Montecillo


We all feel a little uninspired sometimes, and that’s OK. (Side note: Why do we always seem to lack creativity when we need it most, like when a super important deadline is a few hours away?) Lots of people think creativity strikes at random, but here’s the truth: Your creative spirit is always with you, it’s just waiting for a little push. So if you’re in an inspiration rut, here are five tips to inspire your inner creative to step up to the plate.

Creativity is a state of mind.

Most people believe creativity happens randomly, but it doesn’t have to work that way. Your creative spirit is alive and well and if you think you can’t control when it strikes, you...


The Best Productivity Apps for When There’s Too Much to Do

By Kathleen Montecillo


When you’re overwhelmed by all the to-dos on your list, forget about working harder  —  it’s all about working smarter. That’s where productivity apps come in. They help you manage everything from huge projects and deadlines, to little everyday things that just need to get done. Here are five apps we’ve found that can make your day-to-day a little bit easier.


Evernote is perfect for saving random bits of inspiration you don’t want to forget. It lets you jot down an idea, snap a picture, record a video, make a quick sketch, create a to-do list, and a bunch of other things. Think of Evernote as a centralplace where you can organize your life. And you ...


Some Stuff We Learned From Dogs

By Kathleen Montecillo


Forget about dishing out hundreds of dollars for a life coach. Because FACT: Your dog is the best one around. We’ve learned a lot from our K-9 buds over the years — it would be hard to find a human who’s better at naps, and where can you find a better example of how to make a big mess simply by drinking water? And even if you’re not a dog lover (shout out to cats), there are still a few things man’s/woman’s best friend can teach you about being cool in business and life. Here are some of the things we’ve learned from our dogs.

Get excited.

One thing dogs are the absolute best at: showing enthusiasm. Take a cue from your pet and get excited about work/...


5 Business Lessons we can all Learn From Surfing

By Kathleen Montecillo


We like surfing a lot, not just because we live in Orange County where we’re minutes away from some pretty incredible surf spots, but because it’s taught us some stuff. We know how to relieve stress after a long day by just being on the water, and how to work hard at something despite countless and repeated wipeouts. And surfing has a few things to teach you too  —  about being a more productive worker and an overall better person. Here’s what we’ve learned.

1. Only chase the waves you want to catch.

Wave selection is crucial to any great surf session. It’s important to be selective and only chase the good ones. And the same goes for business opportunities. ...


How to do an Internship Program the RIGHT Way

By Kathleen Montecillo


An internship can lead to some tremendous opportunities. Not only does it give an intern the chance to gain firsthand industry knowledge, but they can learn a lot about their strengths and weaknesses, what they like and what they absolutely don’t. Sure, a great intern can boost your productivity, but they’ll give you some things that are even more valuable: a fresh perspective and the opportunity to inspire a career. If your company is establishing an internship program, here’s some advice to help your intern get the most out of the experience.

Get their foot in the door.

A proper introduction is a critical part of an internship. Set up an orientation and lay down some ground...


6 Ways to Make Your Procrastination Productive

By Kathleen Montecillo


We’ve all been there. We have a super important thing that absolutely needs to get done/needed to get done like, yesterday. But for whatever reason, it’s just not happening. And then it hits you: GUILT. All good procrastinators know it goes hand in hand with putting off what you need to do. But that’s not always how this whole procrastination thing needs to go down. Next time you’d rather do just about anything than do the thing, remember these six ways to make your time spent procrastinating really productive.

Commence Software Update

“Does an update need to happen every day or can I live?” you ask as your computer reminds you that you’re due for a so...