Mopro Blog

Featured Post: Make a Winning First Impression Online

First impressions matter. Here are five tips for how to impress people with your online presence from the start.


4 Social Calendar Updates You’ll Love (if You Don’t Already)

By Brianne Slabach


Social Calendar isn’t your average social media tool. It’s a super powerful one with built in posts to supplement the content you create yourself. Because let’s face it, social is a ton of work. Between creating content, scheduling, and monitoring, it’s no wonder why many businesses hire a social media manager to take care of it all for them.

So what helps you build a following on social and save thousands on a social manager’s salary? You guessed it: Social Calendar.

Maybe it’s been a while since you checked out this tool. Well we’ve been busy with enhancements these past few months. Here are some new features you should be taking advantage of.



7 Tips for Your Holiday Social Media Strategy

By Brianne Martin


It’s the busiest time of the year and social media may not be high on your monster list of priorities. But it’s never been more important for it to keep up. ­Read on for our top seven tips for fine-tuning your social strategy this holiday season.

Schedule posts ahead of time.

If there’s one thing we know about the holidays, it’s that time runs short. Avoid stress by planning and scheduling your social media posts in advance. By the time the holidays reach their peak, you’ll be happy to be hands off.

Share your holiday hours.

Maybe you’ll be working extended hours during the holiday season, or you might be closing up shop for a while. Either way, don&rs...


Goodbye, So Long, Google+

By Brianne Martin


Google announced on October 8, 2018 that it’s officially pulling the plug on its social media platform, Google+. Google’s social media baby was born in 2011. Call it wrong place, wrong time, but user activity since has been slow going. 90 percent of Google+ user sessions are less than five seconds. But that’s not the top reason why Google is phasing out the platform. They’ve cited a data breach discovered in March 2018 as the main reason. The breach was relatively small, up to 500,000 accounts were affected and they weren’t able to accurately identify the affected users, but it was enough to make Google weigh the pros and cons, and it looks like + came up negat...


Your 30-Day Guide to Making it on Social Media

By Kathleen Montecillo

Making it on social media isn't easy. That's why we've put together a whole month's worth of ideas for content. From industry news to how-to's, check out all the great posts we have in store.



Your Social Media Sucks

By Kathleen Montecillo


Business owners, it’s time to talk about your social media. Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been at this social game for a while, you probably know this: It’s tougher than it looks. Sure, hitting “Post” or “Share” doesn’t take much effort, but know what does? Posting content your followers actually want to see. So we’re here to help you read the signs — here are five clues that your social media, quite frankly, sucks.

Your most recent post was from like, 2016.

If you’re going to be good at social media, it’s going to take some time. If you don’t have time to post regularly, consider investing in a...


What to Look for in a Social Media Management Tool

By Kathleen Montecillo


Every business, big or small, can benefit from using a social media management tool. These platforms let you streamline your social media marketing efforts, saving you both time and money. Every platform offers something different, but here are four features you should definitely look out for to make sure you’re choosing the right tool.

A calendar view

Whether it’s by week, month, or year, having a calendar view helps you plan and manage your content. The best part: Being able to schedule your posts in advance, which saves major time. A bird’s eye view of all your content lets you see what, when, and where you’re posting, helping a ton when it comes to planning ahead.



Instagram Photography 101

By Kathleen Montecillo


Instagram is a great place to show off your brand and its personality, so if you aren’t on there yet, it’s time to create a business account. But it doesn’t stop with signing up — the next and most important step is creating beautiful content that your followers will respond to. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to up your Gram game, here’s some Instagram photography basics to help you make an awesome impression.

Create a business account.

If you want to make an impact on Instagram, make sure you create a business account dedicated to your brand — don’t just post about your business on your personal account. That way you keep work and p...


Making Waves on Social Media = More Than Just a Numbers Game

By Kathleen Montecillo


Even though lots of people describe social media as a numbers game, here’s the truth: The quality of the connections you have with your followers is more important than how many you’re connected to. Still convinced it’s all about racking up those follows? Here are five reasons why quality trumps quantity every time.

First, remember that everyone starts small.

Just because you don’t have a lot of followers doesn’t mean you’re a social failure. Everyone starts from zero, and it takes a lot of hard work to build up a loyal following. But it’s OK. Anything worth having takes time. Isn’t that what Mom always said?

Engagement matters more.

If you don&rs...


3 Ways to Instagram Your Way to the Top

By Kathleen Montecillo

Instagram — it's kind of a big deal. Here's how to make sure your content doesn't get buried in people's feeds.